COVID Boosters
We are still waiting for formal approval from NHS England for Milman Road and Kennet Surgery to be the designated Hub for COVID boosters, we hope to work with Abbey Medical Centre and the Reading Walk-in Centre to deliver joint clinics.
Flu Jab Clinics
We are also hoping to run Flu clinics at the same time as COVID boosters, this is so that people only have to come for one appointment.
There is a study in progress to see if this can be done and as soon as have information on this, we will update you.
However, we have just been informed that the delivery of Flu vaccine has been delayed due to freight issues. The CCG is aware, and the National Team are looking to see how they can help.
This means that we cannot currently book or schedule Flu clinics until we have confirmation of the vaccine delivery dates.
As such, can we please ask that you do not call the surgery with queries relating to Flu jabs or COVID boosters at this time, we will update you and begin calling you in as soon as we are able.
We would like to assure you that as a Practice we are committed to delivering both the Flu and COVID vaccination programmes, but the vaccine delivery schedule is out of our control.
We must also ensure that disruptions such as these does not affect the day to day running of the Practice so that we are here for you when you need us, we appreciate your cooperation and support at this time.
With thanks, Milman Road and Kennet Surgery Partners.