As you are aware the number of cases of Covid 19 has taken a sharp rise in recent weeks, thus to continue to keep patients and staff as safe as possible, ALL requests for face to face consultations will CONTINUE to be triaged until further notice. Patients should expect to have a telephone discussion with one of our clinicians, who will then decide whether or not an actual attendance at the surgery is necessary. Some Medication reviews (asthma/epilepsy/mental health/COPD) will be completed when appropriate by telephone/email. A number of review appointments will continue to take place where deemed clinically appropriate to do so, these include antenatal checks and 8 week baby reviews. The Childhood vaccination programme will continue, as per current Government advice.
If a face to face appointments is deemed necessary then all precautions are taken to minimise the risks of possible exposure to Covid 19, please do not attend if you have symptoms or have been advised to isolated by the governments track and trace system. Please note that our site at Eldon Square is open for booked appointments only following a telephone consultation and where clinically urgent ultrasound scanning is needed, appointments will still be made for patients if it is appropriate for the scan to take place at this site.
Patients will find the entrance doors at both our sites locked. If you have been advised to attend on site for a face to face appointment please follow the instructions posted on the main door.
We rely on your co-operation to get through these exceptionally trying times and are grateful to you all for your messages of support and encouragement.